smac pta
2020-21 SMAC PTA
District Reflections results
film production
Award of
Award of
i matter because I create
patrick zueckert
highlands elementary
i matter
carmen carroll
belinder elementary
I love creating with LEGOs and making stop motion movies. Bob in my movie is painting a wall with a happy face and then rides an imaginary creature.
The question "Why do we matter" is the main thing that pops up in my mind when someone asks me, "Why do I matter." This is because I think everyone in the world matters, so that no one in this world has to feel lonely. I interviewed people on why they matter, because I don't always have the answer to why we matter. So looking from someone else's point of view, is a good idea to see how they feel about themself and why they matter.
the game show
"you matter"
milo langford
mill creek elementary
i matter because I help people
benjamin walsh
prairie elementary
In the beginning I only did this because my mom forced me to. But in the end I built up skills in technology and it made me realize that I matter.
My work relates to the theme "I matter because..." because it talks about me mattering so I can help the world. I'm supporting this statement by saying that I am helping in this video because in one part I help someone with math.
film production
Award of
gen z
aubrey van lerberg
Indian hills ms
I want to spread a message not about how I matter but how WE matter.