smac pta
2020-21 SMAC PTA
District Reflections results
PRIMARY literature
It is an "I Matter" poem. I matter because I am a pet owner, friend, sister, cousin, daughter and am a part of this world.
This poem is about why I matter. I wrote different things that are important and matter to me. These things matter to me. I matter to everyone and they love me and I love myself too and I matter to myself. Everyone matters including me so it relates to the theme.
I chose to write about three people who think that they are useless because it shows that everyone has a purpose in this world. You may find yours earlier or later than other people, but everyone matters. You, your friends, your family, and everyone you've ever known make your mark on the planet, and no matter where you choose to go or why you do these things you matter. This story shows the important lesson that nobody matters more or less than one another, and everyone ever has a purpose.
In this story, a girl named Mia is being bullied and decides to change herself in order not to get bullied. Her best friend, Lily, is trying to get the old Mia back. This story relates to the theme because along the story, Mia is learning that she matters.
i matter because
william swan
prairie elementary
i matter because...
audrey mcinnes
corinth elementary
I wrote this poem because the world is going through a tough time and even the smallest of things will make a change. It relates to the theme because I matter and we all matter, no matter how big or small. We all have roles in the world, famous or not we can all change the world.
My poem relates to the theme because mine is about how we matter for the littlest things, and that we're different in a good way.
MIDDLE SCHOOL literature
Award of
katherine hipp
trailwood elementary
Award of
nathan mestel
westridge ms
carson newkirk
christa mcauliffe elementary
There is a girl name Jess, she starts to contemplate why and how she matter in the world.
My poem is inspired by the first thing I saw when I looked up "water" for a school project, which was an image of a water droplet falling into a pool, creating ripples. That picture really resonated within me, and I decided to use that as a vehicle to convey how we can impact the world. I know that our actions change how our world is run, in a ripple effect similar to the scene of the water droplet. I wanted to tell the reader that I matter, and they matter because our decision shape the world we live in.
My work is a poem that is about how your decisions matter. It gives an example by stating how littering affects life. The overall message is that you matter because your decisions matter.
i matter because I am the best version of me I can be
victoria olberding
rosehill elementary
the whispering wind
ava ellenberg
Indian hills ms
I matter
kaili szerwinski
mill creek elementary
I think my message relates to the theme because I wrote about how I matter because I am a good leader and I am the best version of me that I can be. I have learned that I am different than other people, and I am not always going to blend in, and that is okay. This was a big inspiration for me when writing this essay. I matter because I am different. I have a voice, and I am the only version of me.
This poem is about self discovery and finding one's true value in the world.
I matter for so many reasons from my family, to my personality, to what I can do. Everyone else matters also.
HIGH SCHOOL literature
Award of
youth and the universe
varshini murugesh
SM northwest
Award of
i am a woman
maria heath
SM South
what I deserve
campbell wood
SM east
This reflective essay will discuss the societal myth that, in the the grand scheme of society, we serve little purpose. I reflect on the preservation of innocence and a more childish mindset that allows us to approach life with the assumption that we have something to live for.
I believe every person matters, no matter their age, sexual orientation/identity, ethnicity, or other characteristic that is a part of who they are, but does not define them. All these characteristics matter because they make up valued parts of society. However, for my entry I focused on how I matter as a woman. Reporting as 51% of the United States, women are a species that have been fighting for every victory awarded to them They have unique responsibilities and privileges not granted to anyone unlike them. I highlighted some in my poem, meant to be performed and to inspire.
High School is a time where kids face the infamous challenge of fitting in and navigating friendships, the challenging part being what to do when those friendships hit the rocks. This piece reflects on my personal experience in rediscovering my self-worth, after experiencing a broken friendship. When viewing this trial as an opportunity for growth and a lesson moving forward, I realized I was worth more than how I was treated. I hope this piece shows others that even when treated poorly, you matter, and no one or nothing can discredit that.