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pta president

Thank you!

Congratulations and thank you for saying, "Yes, I can!"

Serving as president of a PTA includes the responsibility to lead that PTA toward specific goals chosen by its members. The goals must be consistent with the policies and purposes of the PTA. The president is the presiding officer and the official representative of the association.


To ensure a successful term of office, certain responsibilities begin as soon as new officers are elected...







Important Deadline Dates

Unit PTA President Timeline

Hints for New Presidents


Clothing Exchange Volunteers: Each PTA unit is scheduled to send volunteers to the Clothing Exchange throughout the year. 
Please click below for the schedule








Standing Rules

Unit/Council Standing Rules and Bylaws, just the mention of these will bring moans, groans and shrieks to the toughest PTA members. Fortunately, units and councils no longer have to write their own bylaws thanks to the Uniform Unit and Council Bylaws. However, the need still exists for all Kansas PTA/PTSA Units and Councils to create their own individualized Standing Rules.

Standing Rules - Why

Unit Standing Rules Guidelines & Procedures_2018 KS PTA

KS PTA Uniform UNIT Bylaws



National PTA Diversity & Inclusion Policy

"...When PTAs respect differences yet acknowledge shared commonalities uniting their communities, and then develop meaningful priorities based upon their knowledge, they genuinely represent their communities. When PTAs represent their communities, they gain strength and effectiveness through increased volunteer and resource support."

Diversity & Inclusion Toolkit


Social Media and PTA

National PTA Social Media Policy

Social Media / Communication PTA Tool Kit 

Social media is a powerful tool for individuals to join together, share content and ideas, and engage in open conversation. In order for social media to be successful, PTAs must be committed to supporting honest, transparent and knowledgeable dialogue. Social media can be used for a variety of reasons over a multitude of channels. For PTAs, social media is well-suited for:

  • Sharing information that is relevant to your members’ needs and interest.
  • Raising awareness of education and child-related issues and supporting advocacy efforts and partner initiatives.

  • Raising interest and participation in your PTA events, programs and initiatives.


Effective Communication & Event Promotion

Because families receive their information in different ways, PTA should use any and all tools of communication available. Be current, consistent, and proofread before distribution. PTA Presidents and/or other Board members should have access to anything online as a back-up. No one person alone should have private access, in case someone else needs to help distribute information...

It is critical that you keep your members apprised of the work that PTA is doing and how they can play a part. This guide shares tips and best practices to effectively share messages with fellow PTA members, school staff and administrators, community members, and the media.

PTA Communication Guide 

Successfully promoting your event or project is KEY!

The front office staff is happy to assist parents. However, last minute request put unnecessary pressure and strain on everyone.

Make sure your PTA board chairs & representatives know the plans...


Working with your Principal

Working with your Principal is the major means to a successful year. Here are some ideas to get the year off to a great start:

  • Host a Welcome Night introducing the Principal.
  • Invite the Principal and Teachers to become PTA Members.

  • Ensure to include the Principal in developing the PTA's plan of work.

  • Make the Principal-Parent dialogue visible.

  • Work together networking to establish community partnerships.

  • Coordinate fundraisers tied specifically to your Principal's goals or for all school relevance.

  • Nominate your school, Principal & Teachers for awards.

  • Encourage two-way messaging.

  • Promote health & nutrition in your school.

  • Working with your Principal, invite community groups and youth-service organizations to your school.



Other Useful Information

PTA President Tool Kit (log in info required)

PTA Logo Use Guidelines

Logo | How To Customize

Parliamentary Pointers for Presiding Officer

Overview of National PTA



be a Unit in Good Standing

It is very important to adhere to the PTA guidelines in order for your unit to maintain it's 501c3 status, for your children and Units to participate in any state or national programs (Citizenship contest, Reflections contest, School of Excellence, etc), and to maintain your PTA levels.

  1. Ensure KS PTA receives a copy of your most recent Standing Rules each year no later than October 1.

  2. Additionally, a new copy should be forwarded each time you make a change

  3. Ensure the yearly audit prior to turning the books over to the next year's treasurer and promptly forward to KS PTA. Must be received no later than August 30.

  4. Ensure your treasurer submits membership dues and membership rosters through MemberHub, MONTHLY.

  5. Ensure your 990 is submitted to the IRS no later than November 15 and is promptly forwarded to KS PTA.

  6. Ensure SMAC Dues is submitted - Due no later than September 15

  7. Renew liability insurance and submit a copy of certificate, naming SMSD as additional insured, to Due no later than September 1st.

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