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Below are some highlights.

For more details, see the Bond 2021 section of the district website.

• $264 million dollar bond. Cost to taxpayers is just $8 per $100,000 in home value

• Five elementary schools to be rebuilt

• Major maintenance/upgrades of HVAC systems, roofs, and lighting

• Playground renovations for inclusivity and complying with ADA requirements

• Every SMSD feeder area benefits from the projects included in the bond initiative • Provides a pathway to restore a reasonable workload to secondary teachers (shift from teaching 6 to 5 periods)



Again, you can see the complete list of bond projects on the district website, but it’s important to highlight the impact the bond will have on our teachers. SMSD secondary (middle and high school) teachers are teaching 6 periods a day, while their peers in surrounding districts are teaching 5.

There’s some interesting history on why that is the case, but it’s just important to know that our teachers are overworked and overwhelmed. And that’s not good for our kids.


To shift the teachers from 6 to 5 periods, the district needs to hire 75+ new teachers. We won’t be receiving that kind of funding from the state. Passing the bond provides the flexibility needed to free up some operating funds to hire more teachers.

Here’s how:

• Identified projects will be paid for solely from bond funds, freeing up capital funds that had previously been used for a portion of these types of large projects.

• More capital funds, means custodial salaries can be shifted to the capital fund. A recent legislation change allows districts to pay these salaries out of capital funds vs. operating.

• Shifting custodial salaries to capital funds, frees up operating funds to hire more teachers. This bond is a cost effective way to modernize the district while also getting our teachers back to a reasonable workload. It benefits our students, the teachers, the district, and the entire community.



The January 26, 2021 bond proposal will be conducted by mail in ballot only. All voters registered as of December 28, 2020 will automatically receive a mail in ballot.

Some other important dates:

Dec 29 – Jan 5: Late Voter Registration. You can still register, but will need to apply for a ballot.

January 5: Last day to apply for an advance ballot if you need your ballot sent to an address other than your voter registration address. Let’s get those college kids voting!

January 6: Ballots to be sent out…look for your ballot in your mailbox. January 26, 2021: Ballots must be received by noon at the election office to be counted.

Additional Information Provided Here:

SMSD Ballot Info 

Committee For Excellence Info


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